University of Waterloo – Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology

WHERE University of Waterloo EC4 - East Campus 4 Room 2101a (Boardroom) 200 University Ave West Waterloo, ON WHEN September 25, 2017 Physical and Chemical Approaches for Ocular Drug Delivery Registration is free Dr. Ying Chau Associate Professor, Division of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [...]

DNA Weekend: PCR you ready?

WHERE 2nd floor - AgGrowLand Bistro Saskatchewan Science Centre 2903 Powerhouse Drive Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada WHEN September 30 & October 1, 2017 Celebrate biotechnology at the Saskatchewan Science Centre: Participate in the family fun 2pm activity! DNA acts as the blueprints for our bodies and is unique to all of us. Come to the Saskatchewan [...]

Confident Conversations

WHERE Larry Spanier Room 6 Research Drive (main floor) Innovation Place, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada WHEN September 26, 2017 9am-3pm Ever had a hard time explaining plant sciences and what your company does to your friends and family? You aren't alone! CropLife Canada is pleased to present Confident Conversations, a day-long session designed to help you [...]

Agriculture Bioscience International Conference

ABIC™ – The premier global meeting which promotes innovation in bioscience to ensure sustainable food, feed, fibre and fuel security as the climate changes.

We’ve heard it all already: the statistics of those dying of starvation, the struggles faced by those trying to help the developing world single-handedly; and day by day, the picture gets more and more complex.

Career Day

As a job fair, the jobvector career day is addressed to scientists,
physicians & engineers. Receive valuable first-hand information
regarding your career path. Be inspired by human resources managers of
leading companies in lectures and in a job interview! Optimize your
application documents in the specialist application portfolio
assessment, and receive professional application photos!

Educational Network Kick-Off

An event will be organised to gather practical biotechnology teachers from Lithuanian secondary level high schools. A network of the most active schools will be initiated (and designated as ‘Embassies and Consulates of Biotechnology’) to foster the exchange of best practices and to facilitate new co-initiatives to integrate biotechnology activities in secondary education.